Customer satisfaction, behaviour & experience
Understanding your customers and non-customers is fundamental. We will advise you on the most efficient research methodology, from our very cost-effective online surveys to detailed face-to-face interviews and focus groups to develop accurate consumer insight and produce customer profiling and segmentation that goes beyond simple demographics.
Aspects of this type of research can deliver the following;
Why do consumers behave and make the choices they do?
Measuring, and more importantly understanding the significance of those measures, is where our research can help you develop your products and services.
Understanding the whole process from the customer’s perspective, not in isolation but how well everything works together resulting in the overall experience and how this impacts on the perception towards the organisation providing the product or service.
Unless you know who your customers are, the effectiveness of your marketing is down to chance. Stack the odds in your favour by profiling consumers using reliable and robust measures, this can include several different tools, e.g. Segmentation analysis, TURF analysis, etc.