
NEMS market research has a long track record of conducting small and large scale quantitative research projects for clients within the health sector.

This has included looking at direct intervention issues such as adult dental health, smoking cessation initiatives and weight loss programmes. We have also worked on projects that have sought to change the public’s behaviour through education and other ‘nudge’ related tactics, for example evaluating the ‘Choose Well’ campaign which was designed to raise awareness for the public to choose the correct service for their medical needs, i.e. they should only use 999 in an emergency. Or ‘Scrub Up’ promoting the virtues of hand washing before entering a hospital to help control germs, infections, and diseases.

Illicit Tobacco Market
Working for different health organisations, we have unrivalled expertise, experience and knowledge concerning the illicit tobacco market and how best to design questionnaires and interview the public on a subject matter which can be hidden for a large proportion of the population yet can undermine public health initiatives. We have conducted research into illicit tobacco in all 10 English health regions, with some being repeated on a biennial basis.

Some of our clients